
your logo

What is a logo?

Your logo is an image or visual representation you use to identify your products or services. 

Sometimes logos include your brand name in a stylised font and sometimes they stand alone.

Why trademark your brand name?

Registering your logo as a trademark in the UK will give you the exclusive right to use that logo for your products.

Once you have secured a trademark registration, it’s much easier to stop competitors and copycats from using confusingly similar logos or images for their offerings.

Protect your logo today by applying for a trademark registration in the UK with Trademark Planet.

Why use Trademark Planet?

Ensure exclusivity for your brand in 3 easy steps plus the benefit of Trademark Planet.

Should I trademark my brand and logo?

Here’s why you should trademark all the assets you value and that make up your brand’s reputation.

Can I get a domain name trademark?

Business owners often wonder if a domain name can be trademarked. Yes! It can.

Why trademarks are important for brand protection?

Don’t leave your brand vulnerable. A trademark can save your business.