Trademark your

business name

What is a business name?

Your business name or trading name is the name you use to identify your company or business entity.

You may or may not need to register your business name as a trademark – it depends how you’ll use it!

Some businesses don’t use their company names as trademarks – they choose to use different brands for their products or services.

Why trademark your business name?

Registering a company with Companies House does not give you the exclusive right to use your business name.

If you want to be able to stop others from using your business name in the UK, you should really register your business name as a trademark. Here are five benefits of registering a trademark.

When you ask, “How much does it cost to register a trademark?” you need to consider that securing a trademark registration is a ten-year investment in a new asset for your business.

For the broadest trademark protection, you should register your trademark for all the products and services you’re likely to provide, in all the countries where you operate.

Protect your business name today by applying for a trademark registration with Trademark Planet.

A business without brand protection is like a store without locks on the doors.

Why use Trademark Planet?

Ensure exclusivity for your brand in 3 easy steps plus the benefit of Trademark Planet.

Should I trademark my brand and logo?

Here’s why you should trademark all the assets you value and that make up your brand’s reputation.

Can I get a domain name trademark?

Business owners often wonder if a domain name can be trademarked. Yes! It can.

Why trademarks are important for brand protection?

Don’t leave your brand vulnerable. A trademark can save your business.