How much does it cost to trademark my business name in the UK?

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Did you know that a trademark registration can last forever? A registered trademark provides protection for your brand for an initial period of ten years,  but it can be renewed for successive periods of ten years indefinitely.

If you're interested in costs, you can quickly check out our current pricing page, but hang on a moment! Let’s look at what you’re paying for when you trademark your business name.


Trademarking your business name is a 10+ year investment


When you ask, “How much does it cost to register a trademark?” bear in mind that it’s a minimum ten-year investment in an asset for your business - your business name may be your most valuable asset which grows in value over time, as your business and reputation grow.

By registering a trademark, you secure powerful, national exclusivity to use your brand for the products and services it covers in the UK or any other country in which you have a trademark registration.

Here’s an article explaining five benefits of trademarking a business name: Why trademark your business name?



What is the cost if you DON’T register a trademark for your business name?


It’s too late to get theft insurance when you’ve already been robbed! Don’t wait until it's too late to get registered trademark protection for your brand.

You need to consider what the potential cost to your business might be if you failed to protect your trademark and someone copied your brand.

The cost of not protecting your business name as a trademark might be

  • loss of sales
  • damage to your reputation
  • having to rebrand your business
  • legal bills

When you have a trademark registration, you can confidently display the registered trademark symbol ® which signals to everyone, “Beware of the owner” and scares most copycats away.


How much does a trademark cost to register using Trademark Planet?


Our all-inclusive fee for one trademark application in one category is £390.

If you choose to include extra categories in your application, these cost an additional £100 per category.

*A class refers to the product category your goods or services fall in. For example, “umbrella” is in class 18, while “tourism services” falls in class 39.

With our advanced, fully automated platform, you don’t need a legal degree to select the right classes. You simply type in the products and services relevant to your business and our system will generate the categories for you to click and select. Easy! We won’t leave you on your own either...

After you apply for your trademark, we’ll send you a receipt and then keep you updated via email at each step of the process. We even help you if there are any technicalities that need to be smoothed out along the way.

“The staff at Trademark Planet were incredibly helpful with providing ongoing communication about my applications. They were also contactable whenever I needed to talk to someone. If you’re looking for an affordable and easy way to lodge a trademark application, I would thoroughly recommend Trademark Planet.”
Kylie Newberry

How much does it cost to register a trademark in more than one class?


If you wish to register your trademark in more than one category, there are additional fees per category/class you cover.

For example, imagine you’re about to launch a new brand of ethical workout clothing. You'll want to register your brand as a trademark in at least class 25 for leisure clothing and footwear products. However, you might also want to cover off yoga mats and blocks, which fall in class 27 and sports bags in class 18. A trademark application covering these three categories would cost a total of £590. 


Pricing example

Categories Application fees Category fees Total fees
1 £390 included £390
2 £390 £100 £490
3 £390 £100 £590


Don’t risk giving competitors a chance to piggyback off your business. It’s never too early to protect your trademark.

At Trademark Planet, you can apply for a trademark yourself using our self-service platform. You can bypass the expensive lawyers and complicated logins. You can get this important task done right now - apply for your trademark quickly in 3 easy steps.



Can I trademark a business name?


Why trademark your business name?